New Zealand: Where WWII veterans now beg for food


His hard-earned pension was snatched away after he took part in a demonstration.

Selywn Clarke, your country has let you down. And it has a lot to answer for.

The condition of the 28th Maori Battalion veteran on the streets of the Northland township of Kaitaia has been concerning locals, many of whom have offered him food items.

Mr. Clarke’s pension was cut entirely following the veteran’s failure to appear in court following his participation in a land occupation.

“The people who were arrested that day are the people who have rights to that land. The land does not belong to Ngāi Takoto neither does it belong to the government.” Mr. Clarke told Maori Television.

He has been begging at busy scenes including a Kaitaia market for money.

“I thought I would receive the pension for the rest of my life, but now it’s been cut and I’m here seeking financial support to live off.”

In an interview for Maori Televison’s Te Kaea program, Mr. Clarke added “I recall seeing beggars in Egypt on my return from the war and thinking to myself. And yet here I am now an elderly man, and I’m begging in New Zealand, on my own land.”

I do not believe that it is a radical idea that in a modern New Zealand, no elderly person, or veteran should be left to live their years in hardship.

It goes without saying that Mr. Clarke, a veteran, who put his life on the line for his country and for peace deserves better. And it is undeniable that someone of his valour and selflessness deserves nothing less than the comfort of a secure financial situation from the government – who are currently letting him down in failing to protect someone who protected the country.

Let the world know, this is how New Zealand treats those who protected us.

Bennett Morgan 
Watch Maori Television’s report on Mr. Clarke by clicking here (subtitled)



30 thoughts on “New Zealand: Where WWII veterans now beg for food

  1. Sorry Selwyn. Unless you are willing to kiss helen clark and her man hating horum on the ass like john key does, you will get no where in that God forsaken country.

    • What the hell has Helen Clark got to do with this. She’s been gone a while now. This is shameful on the current govt for not stepping in and sorting it when it first came to light, Winz is responsible and should be bloody embarrassed for acting on this. No lessons learnt by this country on Maori land issues and the stealing continues it bloody disgusting.

      a donkey sits on hs ass
      and grabs at straw… to fill his piggy bank…..
      by exercising his political right
      to take frm sell steal trade
      confiscate our heritage and humble beginnings… frm out of our mouths…!!!
      off our tables… frm our kidz… and our pensioners…. restrict our garden space and what we can grow tobcome self sufficient…..and independent…!!!
      we need thee evry hr
      more than MONEY.. can buy…!!
      DISPEL the uglyness dear LORD that stamps our path to righteousness…
      strengthen the weak dear FATHER
      and chastise the dictatorship
      the acts if man
      who pledges only for himself.. and not for all as protector of our land…???
      we need kindness ..
      we need goodness..
      we need evrrthing that u provided for our sustenance and earthly habitat
      we need ur DIVINE LOVE
      PEACE & intervention
      we need ur arms around us
      and know we are safe in ur creation
      THE Pure waters that flow
      up unto everlasting life
      and uglyz in thought … word deed
      in JESUS NAME

  2. If Paula Bennett pulled her head outta her fat arse and helped those in need, instead of lying to the nation the hate and animosity from kiwis towards her wouldn’t be as bad maybe, but to read this story is just a reflection of how this country penalises you for standing up for what we believe in. Sorry Koro I really feel for you

  3. No words……..even disgusting is too polite a word for this crazy circus government. TPPA mentality….here it comes folks. Brace yourself for a war !

  4. Reblogged this on The Turning Spiral and commented:
    Even three terms of gouging education, welfare and the land could not have prepared us for this appalling action by the New Zealand Government. We have sunk to the lowest. For shame, Prime Minister Key.

    • Donkey in his day would “do” anybody in for a Shekel. Where is our Freedom of Speech? Human rights where are they Mr Blinglish? Your government is like the Third Reich. You have thrown this poor old gentleman into a figureative concentration camp. Shame on you. One thing I know for sure, is that National will not get my vote in November. ia I am with the Pike River families and National are not. National has lost touch with the normal public of NZ. Only there for the powerful and rich. What look, Donkey gave 2x “donations” to the Hilliary Clinton fund – just to buy “seat” in Clintons administration – and the future pay back would be huge – and she lost and Donkey threw our Shekels to the Lions. Your and my money +- $14m ! And this stinking government with
      holds this old man’s pension? Very very poor National.Rot in hell National.

  5. Helen Clarke is in America and has been a long time now Glen so you are correct he would get nowhere in that God Forsaken country

  6. For God for king and Country aue!

    This is absolutely disgusting that this veteran, kooroua as a young man heard the call of duty served our country andd this is how he is treated.

  7. Are we able to have this mans contact details so that we may somehow help him. We are a group in Manawatu Helping hands an there are always members wanting to help those who are struggling. Many of us are disgusted at this article an would like to try an help him considering the NZ govt system is failing him.

  8. man!! that is shameful . here one of our whanaunga has to lower himself to go into the streets and beg because idiots in an office decided to cut his pension for a pathetic reason. what are the so called “powers that be” doing to right this wrong.
    that is so sad , and to think , he put his body on the line like so many others, to defend his country for the sake of us to live on and survive, and this is how he is repaid…………….If i ever see him in Kaitaia, I will def go and meet him and give him whatever I can to help him . Kia kaha e te rangatira.

  9. But that does give the government to treat such an elderly of his rights as a pensioner. He is our kaumatua and really he aint kissing anybody’s arse. Show abit of respect

  10. I am absolutely appalled at the way this so called government of New Zealand has treated this WW11 Vet,my heart goes out to this gentleman,I have the uttmost respect for all of our serviceman who put their lives on the line to keep us safe and I have so much admiration for the men of the 28th Maori Battalion because my Dad was one of them,come on National government pull your finger out of your (you know what)DO THE RIGHT THING.

  11. True… Shame on our government agencies, this shit I just wrong. But I have another question…. Where are his whanau? Why are his whanau, his tamariki, mokopuna, not mentioned in this article? I don’t know how things are done up north, but surely the marae and iwi trusts can help him in the interim?

  12. I may be pakeha but i love nz.we now have to be uprise.we have to destroy them.we just have to do this
    We need to spill blood in order to see johns guts getting ripped open.something has to happen

  13. This poor old veteran has earned an entitlement that should be granted beyond the interfering reach of these vindictive politicians reach
    The right of protest is a cornerstone of the domocracy this moari gentlemen risked his life to protect

  14. Here’s his bank details,
    389014 0655383 00

    This is also posted on his other facebook posts –

  15. He should of turned up to court, simple as that. I agree with his right to protest, I agree his right to a pension, but if you are summoned to court you turn up or provide a valid reason why you can not. Simple…

  16. WHY ARE THESE LAWS THAT WINZ HAVE GOVENING THE AGE PENSION NOTBEEN MADE PUBLIC,my understanding is thats not enough to have his pension stopped,someone needs to look into this mater and make it public.

  17. This is shameful. A man who fought for his country & this is the thanks he gets. It has to be totally illegal to be penalized this way for protesting about one’s own land! I believe it was because he didn’t show in court over his protesting. All that aside it is totally independent of his right to his pension. At the same time Key pays a measly few percent tax while the real workers are paying 28%. OUr country’s going right down the tubes.

  18. Let’s start up a bank account for him so that if anyone wants to they can deposit how ever much they feel like towards him coz I’ll be damned if I stand by and let this tragedy continue on. If the government won’t look after our heros then the people will. Until the government can pull it’s f****n head out it’s arse. Watch this space.

  19. Ok let’s start up an account for Selwyn so that anyone can donate to it. If the government won’t look after our heros then the people will, until it becomes too overwhelmingly embarrassing for the government to ignore him any longer. Watch this space.

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