Did John Key know full-well Jason Ede was up to no good?

Here’s a comment a read online recently, you’ll find it quite interesting:  



I was just talking to my mum this morning and I found out a few things. She had to call me early to tell me, because it was some big news, and she couldn’t wait for me to call her this afternoon. She said she was with my aunt over the weekend and they began talking about politics, and more specifically the Nicky Hager book ‘Dirty Politics’ (my mum is 60+ and she has a copy, LOVES it). My aunty began to tell my mum that she knew that “Jason Ede guy” from the book. My mum was shocked, but very interested (obviously). She began to tell her how she knew him. My aunty’s twin brother has a daughter, Vicky (so she would be my cousin, but I haven’t seen her since we were kids). She met this guy many years ago called Jason Ede, which she eventually married. She became Vicky Ede. Now, this was when Jason was involved with the National Party as John Key’s adviser and when Key was just a Minister while under Don Brash’s leadership. Now, according to my aunty, Vicky said back then that Jason Ede was using dirty tactics and he was feeding info to outside sources and bloggers (allegedly) and thats when he started to use those bloggers/sources to create smears and dig up “dirt” against the opposition, and that (allegedly) John Key knew what was going on according to Vicky, and Jason confirmed that to her on many occasions. Vicky would here stories from Jason that made her skin crawl, and eventually she left him because she didn’t want to be with someone so “nasty” (as my aunt said). But a little while before Vicky left him, Jason told her that he had stuff over John Key and that he felt his job was pretty much “guaranteed” as a result. My aunt said she thinks that was part of the reason she ended up leaving Jason also. After leaving him, she never thought much of it as she thought it was “just how politics worked”.

Flash Forward to what is happening now, and how John Key denies that he was close to Jason Ede and that he was behind everything and was one of the people leaking info to Slater, when in fact (according to my aunty, and allegedly) Key and Ede were very much involved with feeding information to Slater and others.

So according to my aunty, she thinks that after seeing John Key trying to deny that he was directly involved (along with Ede), that they’re full of it, and she knows they are, as she always knew, that Key and Jason Ede were “slimy” people, and she never did like Jason Ede. And this book has confirmed her reasoning why.

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